
Expressive Writing: Words That Heal


10 Untranslatable Words That Express Love


The fact that there are 6,500 different languages spoken in the world literally blows my mind. What blows my mind even more is that some languages have words for feelings and emotions that the English language, or other languages, for that matter, just don't have. A perfect example of this is "la petite mort," which is French and translates to "the little death" in English. What is "la petite mort?" That's what the French call orgasms. How poetic is that?

Since language is so fascinating and, in a lot of cases, sexy AF, those who are multilingual are more successful in online dating. It's a really attractive quality to be able to speak more than one language; it's also quite impressive. But of all the words that we use, love is the most universal emotion — no matter what word is used for it. According to biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, "Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies." In other words, they've yet to find a society in which love doesn't exist.

Expedia UK compiled words that express love or the sentiment of love in ways that the English language can't. So if you want to impress that adorable person across the bar the next time you find yourself in a faraway country, here are 10 equally adorable words to use.



I suddenly have an urge to move to Chile so I can have many mamihlapinatapeis with Chileans on a bench.



Whether it's a romantic safe haven or one with friends and family, this is precious.


Ya' Aburnee

OK... who's cutting onions in here?



The fact that there's an actual word for this feel, tells you a lot about the Norwegian culture. It also tells me I'm moving there after I move to Chile.



Again, the existence of this word just speaks volumes about the culture in Greenland. So maybe I'll move there, too.



Maybe I'm biased, but "viraag" sounds far more profound and poetic than "heartsick."



Not just anyone's hair, but "your beloved's hair." I can actually feel my ice cold heart melting more and more with each of these words.



Because we all "oodal" from time to time. At least we now have a way better way of summing it up.



I actually briefly dated a guy from the Philippines who used this word in regards to me. So this one isn't new to me, but it's just as swoon-worthy as the rest.



If you find yourself in Spain in June and see a short American woman running around yelling this at random people, that will be me. Although something tells me it might have the opposite effect of which I intend. Oh, well; I'm still going to do it.

There are multiple benefits to speaking more than one language, so it's definitely something to consider. While you may not be able to master every language there is, because 6,500 is a lot, having at least more than one under your belt is a good start.

Expressive Writing: Words That Heal


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