Grantsmanship: Program Planning & Proposal Writing, 2nd Edition

Textbook for: Grantsmanship Training Program, Essential Grant Skills, andCompeting for Federal Grants

Ready for the next generation of nonprofit professionals!

Grantsmanship: Program Planning & Proposal Writing

The original 1972 publication by Norton Kiritz rocked the world of grants. It staked out new territory and laid out the model that's still the standard for proposals and that's often used by funders to develop application guidelines.

Named the "grantseekers' Bible" by the New York Times in 2006, the original guide has been used in 40 countries, published in four languages, and used by over 1 million professionals.

This updated, expanded edition maintains the voice and vision of the original. It's clear, fun to read, easy to understand, loaded with examples, and essential for everyone who seeks grant support.

Reviews from important voices in the field agree it's a winner!

Only $45 plus S&H!

There's only one thing better than this book for someone who wants to learn how to secure grant funding–take the Grantsmanship Center training along with this book.

Wallis Annenberg
Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of the Annenberg Foundation

Before applying for any grant, read this book. The original was a masterwork that helped thousands of nonprofits. Now updated and expanded, this book is so easy to understand that it equips the most novice proposal writer to craft a request for grant funding. It will teach you how grantmakers think, how to avoid fatal mistakes, and how to achieve your organization's goals. It's worth its weight in gold.

David Cay Johnston
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter

This is one book that anyone and everyone who raises money for nonprofit efforts should have on their bookshelf. I'd hope that if I saw it there it would be well-read and more than a bit worn, because the advice and counsel is invaluable.

Wendy Garen
President & CEO, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Chair, Board of Directors, Southern California Grantmakers

This book will set new grantseekers on the right track, and challenge experienced nonprofit professionals to exercise increased rigor in their work. It includes updates of the well-loved checklists from the original and also tackles new and pressing topics.

  • Universal concepts in grantsmanship that you can use to translate any funder's application guidelines.
  • The eight components of a logical case for support, how they fit together and why they must.
  • Developing meaning outcomes for a "prevention program."
  • Developing a simple, useful program evaluation plan by answering 8 essential questions.
  • The anatomy of a budget and varied ways funders calculate matching fund requirements.
  • Adapting this foundational model for various types of proposals: arts & culture, capacity building, capital projects, general operations, planning, and research.

Barbara Floersch

Co-author - Barbara Floersch, has over 35 years' experience in non-profit management, grant proposal writing, grant management, and nonprofit consulting. She has raised tens of millions of grant dollars, taught throughout the US and internationally, developed programs that have assisted thousands, testified before the U.S. Congress, and served as an expert reviewer in federal grant competitions. She has written for numerous publications, including the Nonprofit Times.

The Grantsmanship Center delivers training programs that produce results, publications that support best practices, consulting that propels missions, tailored presentations that provide solutions, and speaking engagements that inspire excellence and action. Since 1972 the Center has stood for integrity and innovation, and has promoted rigorous program planning and grant proposal development as an avenue for positive social change.

Buy your copy today!

Grantsmanship: Program Planning & Proposal Writing